Have your say – Help shape Australia's national immunisation strategy

We are inviting public feedback to help shape Australia's next national immunisation strategy for 2025–2030. The consultation is open between 22 May 2024 and 19 June 2024.

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This strategy will guide the nation's immunisation efforts over the next 5 years, aiming to increase immunisation rates and reduce vaccine-preventable diseases.

As the current National Immunisation Strategy expires in December 2024, we are gathering insights from key stakeholders on its effectiveness and engagement. These insights will inform the new strategy, ensuring it addresses current challenges and future needs. 

To participate, please review the consultation paper called Towards a National Immunisation Strategy for 2025–30 and complete the online survey. 

Your input will help to improve immunisation efforts and protect the health of individuals and communities. You can submit your response anonymously. To do this, please do not include any personal information in your response. 

To ensure the strategy meets the needs of as many people as possible, we encourage you to share this consultation within your networks. Thank you for your valuable contribution and support.